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EyeShare - Test

by EyeShare Solutions LLC

Test: The UI and UX. Test: Features and Functionalities Test: Logging in and logging out back-to-back Test:...

Test: The UI and UX. Test: Features and Functionalities Test: Logging in and logging out back-to-back Test: Submitting jobs as a Content Seeker Test: Completing and submitting jobs Test: In app Messaging Test: password/forgot password Test: Job Alerts to ensure these alerts are properly being received. Test: Profile: uploading profile picture, and portfolio as well as info section within Test: Payment and Transactions Test: Contect Us and Help including support, report, and feedback. Test: My jobs and Notifications What is EyeShare In The Simple Form: EyeShare is a digital content platform for Content Seekers and Content Creators. Content Seekers are individuals than can Effortlessly seek and request unique digital content in the form of images and or videos for marketing, Blogging, educational, professional, or personal projects. This includes 3 easy steps: Content Creators are individuals who create these unique Images and videos for the Content Seeker. Here's how it works: Sign up as a Content Seeker.Custom Requests: #1. Post job details of what's needed. Chose Creator: #2. Review applications and or Creator profiles, and select the best fit. Receive Content: #3. Fund the project, Approve, receive delivered work, and complete the transaction. For the Content Creator, here's how it works: Sign up as a Content Creator. Create your profile, add your profile picture upload your portfolio, and add your banking details to ensure your all set to receive payment. Profile Creation: #1. Build your profile by highlighting your specialties. Job Alerts: #2. Receive notifications for gigs that match your skills. Apply, Get Hire, Deliver, and Earn$ #3. Show interest in projects that excite you, agree to terms and start creating, submit your work, get approval, and earn same day cash deposit.

17 Mar - 22 Mar

iOS 14.0 - 17.4.1

iPhone, iPad